Largs Open Day 2022 marquee image

Open Day 2022

"A Sail-away Success!"

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Coinciding with the final day of the Largs Viking Festival, Sunday 4th September brought our latest annual Open Day at the club and a thoroughly great day was had by all who attended.

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Largs Open Day 2022 Race On image
Race on!

The club had its distinctive large blue gazebo on site with a selection of members' club boats on display with much interest from all ages of the public and many questions as to where to buy, how to build and how to operate them.

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Attention to detail in dry dock.

Funds were boosted by sale of tickets from the raffle of various items generously donated by club members.
Our thanks to ticket sales by Irene McAuley who cheerfully dotted in and around the crowd in her inimitable manner.

Largs Open Day 2022 Luxury boating on Barbie's Italian Riva image
Luxury boating on Aubery Pond for Barbie & Ken in their high performance Riva.
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Opposite tacks in a glorious setting.

On the pond many model power boats ranging from tugs, replica CalMac ferries, fishing boats and speedy flip racers showed their paces, fast or slow to an admiring audience.

Largs Open Day 2022 Race On image
Sail trimming is a serious business. Members wanted to do their best for the crowd on Open Day this year.

After the raffle, the larger 6-metre class yachts raced around the buoyed course impressing all, either with the operator's skills and speeds over the pond, or with the sheer beauty and joviality of the ocassion.

Largs Open Day 2022 fleet docked image
A busy Port Aubery! Open Day 2022 featured a delectable array of type and form of wonderful RC vessels.

All in all the club celebrated a lovely day, which was particularly satisfying for all after foreboding weather in the morning thankfully turned to wide blue skies and warm sunshine. The whole event was exceptionally well-received by folk turning up to join us and share in their enjoyment.

It wouldn't have been possible without all the help and assistance selflessly given by members and friends alike in making this Open Day 2022 the success we hoped for. To them, many thanks are sincerely extended.

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Alan's Arrow: No port authorities were present to witness this hyperspeed pass!
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Best in show - walking the boat.
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Two very determined competitors.

Here's to next year!

Slàinte / Skål / Cheers!

Largs Open Day 2022 Across to the club image
Favourable conditions, many friends and plenty of action on the pond meant a great day for all, and a fitting end to the immensely successful Largs Viking Festival of 2022.